The homicide rate has fallen dramatically in recent decades, as has the rate of vehicle-related deaths. This city has definitely earned its ranking. It is important to choose an area with good consistency in school grades. While the area you're seeing right now may have great elementary schools for your young children, it's worth looking at the middle and high schools they'll attend when they grow up.
Niche's quality ratings from nearby elementary, middle, and high schools are very similar. If you have children and want a consistent school experience as they grow, this neighborhood can be a good place to plant roots for the long term. Anaheim is safer than Santa Ana in terms of recorded violent crimes. Santa Claus has a record of violent crime higher than the average crime rate in the U.S.
In the US, while Anaheim is below average. However, according to Forbes, Santa Ana ranks fourth among the safest cities in the United States, with more than 250,000 inhabitants. Yes, Santa Ana is an excellent place to live. Santa Ana ranks well on a combination of education, crime, cost of living, and diversity.
Santa Ana truly has something for everyone, and that's why it's a great place to call home. Looking to move to Santa Ana, CA? You've come to the right place. Livability helps people find their perfect places to live, and we have everything you need to know to decide if moving to Santa Ana, CA is right for you. Broadband Internet connection options in Santa Ana, CA include fiber, ADSL, satellite, cable, symmetrical xDSL, DOCSIS, landline fixed wireless, cable modem, and VDSL from 28 different providers.
You may be looking to move to Santa Ana, California or just interested in the livability of the city, so to help you, we've rounded up the pros and cons of living in Santa Ana. With a warm, semi-arid climate, the cities of Anaheim and Santa Ana often experience scorching summers and cool winters. For young families, there are many child care options in Santa Ana, CA, including Kids of Kilmanjaro, Irvine Coast Preschool, Kiki's Little Treasures Daycare, and Orange Children & Parents Together. This page contains detailed facts and statistics to help you determine if moving to Santa Ana, California is the right decision for you.
On the other hand, Anaheim is a small metropolitan city in Orange County famous for Disneyland and its charming neighborhoods. Santa Ana prides itself on its cultural and historical heritage and offers opportunities for modern living. While this evaluation should give a good detailed idea about the advantages and disadvantages of living in Santa Ana, it may not incorporate all the areas that might appeal to some people. Santa Ana isn't just about historic sites; it has modern landmarks like shopping malls and restaurants.
You can still find safe neighborhoods in Santa Ana, including Floral Park, Sandpointe, and Morning Sunwood. Meanwhile, Anaheim will impress you with its great location, which gives you access to California's major cities. There are a few parks and play areas in Santa Ana, CA, including The Porters Crazy Town, Sandpointe Park Playground, and Camino Real Park. You can head to the Antonello Ristorante or Playground to sample what the Santa Ana food scene has to offer.