With a diversity score of 77 out of 100, Santa Ana is more diverse than other cities in the U.S. UU. The most diverse area within Santa Ana's own boundaries is southwest of the city. The least diverse areas are in the eastern part of Santa Ana.
The table below shows the 7 races represented in Santa Ana, CA as a proportion of the total population. The chart below shows households in Santa Ana, California, spread across a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group. The following table shows the percentages of U.S. citizenship in Santa Ana, CA compared to its neighboring and parent geographies.
The chart below shows how the median household income in Santa Ana, CA compares to that of its neighboring and parent geographies. The total housing units in Santa Ana, California, is 82,990, the occupied housing units are 79,704, the rental vacancy rate is 3.With the most current & most popular demographics, it's the perfect starting point for your research on Santa Ana and the rest of California. The table below shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Santa Ana, CA compared to that of its neighboring and parent geographies. The largest universities in Santa Ana, California, by number of degrees awarded are Santa Ana College (5,800 and 90.6%), Career Networks Institute (179 and 2.79%) and InterCoast Colleges-Santa Ana (136 and 2.12%).
The student population of Santa Ana, California, is biased toward men, with 10,720 male students and 10,464 female students. With 332,610 inhabitants, Santa Ana is the eleventh most populous city in the state of California among 1578 cities. The table below shows how the percentage of people without insurance in Santa Ana, CA, changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. The chart below shows households in Santa Ana, California, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group.
The average age of the population of Santa Ana is 33.2, the population of Santa Ana by age is, those under 18 are 85,052, the 16 years and older are 257,721, the 18 years and older are 247,280, the 21 years and older are 231,389, 65 years and older are 43,514. The charts below show, first, property values in Santa Ana, CA compared to are the geographies of parents and neighbors, and second, owner-occupied housing units distributed among a number of property value groups compared to the national averages for each group. The total number of foreigners who are not U.S. citizens living in Santa Ana is 69,071, of these 409 are from Europe, 6,119 are from Asia, 248 from Africa, 62,062 are from Latin America and 187 are from North America. The Asian population in Santa Ana is 36,643, in percentage, 11.0 percent are Asian, of these 1,837 are Asian Indians, 1,798 are Chinese, 2,730 are Filipino, 770 are Japanese, 742 are Korean, 23,449 are Vietnamese and 5,317 are from other Asian countries.